Self Hosting Part I - Motivation

For some time now I’ve been attached by the idea of self hosting. I don’t have a relevant side project but I use to develop small applications for learning purposes and it would be nice to host them somewhere other than a cloud provider to explore different deployment, CI and CD techniques.

App Server for Google Play Integrity

As the SafetyNet Attestation API is deprecated and has been replaced by the Play Integrity API, many mobile solutions will have to migrate to prevent attacks and reduce abuse on their apps.

Java gRPC with Gradle in vscode

After having some trouble configuring a gRPC Java project with Gradle in vscode I’ve decided to write a post to the future me… here is how I got it working on Mac.

Dockerized libfprint

This is the dockerized version of the post libfprint, a microservice approach.

libfprint, a microservice approach

I was looking for ways to integrate fingerprinting in one of my projects some time ago when I’ve found the C library libfprint.