Self Hosting Part VI - Storage
13 Jul 2023Now that the applications in the Kubernetes cluster are reachable (at least from within the network), the last missing piece of the puzzle is the storage.
Now that the applications in the Kubernetes cluster are reachable (at least from within the network), the last missing piece of the puzzle is the storage.
Let’s set up a self-provisioned edge load balancer for the Kubernetes cluster using NGINX and a Raspberry Pi.
At this point I have three Lenovo Thinkcentre M710q with Ubuntu Server 22.04.2 LTS and internet access, so everything is ready for the Kubernetes deployment.
The Ubuntu installation with a PXE server on all the three machines was successfull (an overkill… I know…) and you may have already noticed the next problem to solve.
On the Self Hosting Part I - Motivation we’ve seen the chosen hardware, the motivation and now everything is set to install the Operating System (OS).