
As my attempt to learn in public, it is a space focussed on software development where I’d like to share some solutions that I’ve used in past projects and hopefully it can help someone else. Any feedback is deeply appreciated.

Who am I?

My name is Fabio Bento Luiz, I am a dad getting many insights between diaper changes, which help me solve problems and deliver value.

Some of my interests are Event Driven Design/Architecture, Event Sourcing, CQRS, IoT and Industry 4.0. The possible solutions with their combination intrigues me, and whenever it is possible I spend some time researching, learning and coding in this context.

Mostly of my experience is from Java backend development, and I see no problem contributing with the frontend teams whenever it is necessary.

The last few years I’ve been engaged to automate the deployment of applications inside software containers with Docker and Kubernetes, learning the problems that these technologies can solve, and the new ones that comes with them.

The initial plan was to create a blog by myself, host it in cloud services to be served by a number of worldwide edge locations with CloudFront, helping to ensure great performance worldwide. But the time is scarse, the reality catches up and I’ve ended up with GitHub Sourcehut Pages and Jekyll (and I am happy for now!).